I’ve been online since I was an incredibly young child. In elementary school was my first start with minor coding and sites on a little free web making site called freewebs (later webs, now closed). I always liked having a personal “landing” page for my work. It's now lost to time, but I miss the customizable and personal nature of the old web…!

I also really love music, but I'm not a musician by any stretch other than necessity! I may not understand musical theory and a lot of terms, but I love talking about bands and artists I'm passionate about! I spend a good deal of my time listening to music, either on YouTube or Winamp!

Another passion of mine is movies! When I was younger, I actually wanted to go into stop motion film making! However, the movies I like tend to go far and wide. My favorite movies are strange and bizarre gems. I like watching movies from all around the world, from every different decade!

I like collecting a lot of things! My main things to collect are the following: CDs (namely, visual kei), magazines (visual kei and fashion), flyers and other band merch, fanworks (doujinshi, fan merch), dolls (to customize), figures and plushies, and charms (3d ones especially!).

I've also been very slowly trying to learn Japanese! I'm definitely still a novice at it, but I try my best! I'm doing an amateur fan translation of ガチ恋粘着獣!

I'm bad at describing myself but I think passionate and scatterbrained sums me up. I'm reserved, but once you get me going on a topic I'm passionate about, I'll happily go on and on! However, since I have so many hobbies, I often get swept up and it takes me a while to work on things fully unless I'm marathoning it….^_^;

I’m also a very introverted person…! I have a bit of trouble talking to people, but I really have tried my best more recently to be more talkative… Such as creating an RP server! I enjoy making OCs and talking to other people about their OCs as well!