Some personal updates

I never know how to start these logs. To quote most youtubers at some point in their career-- Let's get into it.

I think I'll take a little "break" to start out this month... Not nessisarily from all of social media; Mainly just from feeling like I need to post and schedule art. I have a totally self-imposed impulse of posting every other day, and it's just not always sustainable. "I post too much OCs" "I post too much of x fanart" "I post too much of this style"-- It doesn't in actuality matter, but for me it always troubles me. So, easiest fix is to sit with myself for a couple of weeks and vibe.

My posting habits aren't the only reason. I really want to focus on two things: 1. My next game, 2. Chapter 2 of 18782's comic. The first part is the main part: I really want to get a rough draft script done, so then I can officially announce it as a project. That also means doing some promo art... So it ties in well with a break to focus on those things first. I'm hoping the project will be announce late this month or early next month! I'd say I'm 1/3 ~ 1/2 done with a rough draft script. From there, it goes into sketching ideas and tightening up the script, and then finally implementing and drawing. I really want to be more organized for this game than 18782, and I don't want this one to take years... Hopefully, end of the year? Who knows. More later when I'm fully stable on details.

Reason 2 now: Chapter 2! As I write this, I'm doing really well on that front! I've lined 10/14 pages, and need to line the chapter bumper page. It'll hopefully only take till monday, and then it's onto color which shouldn't take as long! I'm debating if I should color on my PC or not... Decisions, decisions and such. This'll first and foremost be posted here, reguardless of if I'm posting elsewhere. The one good thing about here is I don't feel I'm "bothering" people by working on the site, because it's a self project... So I feel more confident to post at my leisure.

I'm also back to hand crafting and trying my hand in Blender... More on that some other time though. I also have some reviews to post; I don't think I'll move my current reviews, but all movie/music/game reviews will be placed under the reviews tab. Anything but big reviews I'll probably group by type/month (i.e., April Movie reviews vs April's reviews). I also do want to do more site editing and clean up, but that'll be focused on later...

I guess that's all right now...! So...! Ya! Oh... And I got back into BlazBlue heavily and I've been obsessed with Charisma house worse than ever LOL.

4:01pm ... 5.1.2024