I thought it'd be fun to do a little review for the GachiKoi drama! I mentioned here and there my thoughts on a few episodes, but figured I should do a full review since I finished. Again, I'm coming at this as someone who loves the manga, so I'm probably more critical than someone who came in with no knowledge of the manga. This of course will NOT be free of spoilers.
So, as a whole, I'd give it about a 7/10. For me, that's "I wouldn't really rewatch this on my own, but if a friend wanted to see it and watch it with me, I would." I get why they didn't, but to me, I think this would've been so much better to have split it up into more than 1 season. I feel like everything was rushed and squished together, in a way that wasn't condusive to the plot and fleshing out the characters. I feel the costuming was hit and miss. Outfits were fine but I do wish they had everyone look more like their manga counterparts-- Most egregious imo was Nemo and Victor-- I legit couldnt tell who was supposed to be who. Riko Mero, Ginga, and Mitsukuri on the other hand were standouts to fitting. To me, A little above okay were Koto, Hina and Yuuko. Harumi, Cosmo, Subaru, and Nao were okay [Nao felt much more tomboyish in the manga to me, and I feel they didn't capture that for her at all.]
I feel like Hina and Subaru's storylines were really drowned out due to how little it was given. I know in the manga, Subaru's arc was ~15 chapters, which in a 70+ and going manga, isn't all that much, but it's important. I feel they didn't make Subaru as scummy as he was in the manga. In the manga, I absolutely hated him at first (and probably until about halfway through Cosmo's arc lol). In the show... He felt so toned down. He wasn't good, but it wasn't the same fevor I felt with the manga. I feel they needed to be fleshed out more to enjoy that arc, and thus it felt very lacking. I wish Mero had more screentime, but I do like the end part of this arc where Riko Mero comforts Hina. While I'm mentioning Subaru, I wish they paid attention to how in the manga, Subaru kept up wearing Hina's bracelet gift, showing he was still weirdly attached to her. I'd give the Hina-Suba arc about a 3.5/10 overall.
Cosmo and Koto's arc was fine. I think they fleshed out Cosmo and Koto fine for what it was. I REALLY wish they added in how Nao and Yuuko became friends. That was such a cute side thing imo in the manga, and I'm sad they didn't touch upon that. Harumi was fine enough. She isn't super focused on in the manga, so I can't complain too too much about her involvement. Yuuko's involvement in the story in general is something that personally makes me uneasy, but I don't think the show handled it too badly; It did about as well as the manga. I think there were some sweet moments, but I am really sad they didn't add in Subaru and Ginga spying on Cosmo as during the confession of love--- But my god in the manga it felt like an eternity so I'm glad they cut it down LOL. Also... it makes no sense why they just didn't have Cosmo's arm brace... in... the final shots? Like they made it clear he was injured, why not include that? Overall, I'd give this a 7/10. It was cute. I'd argue it was the best representation of a couple's chemistry.
Last is Ginga and Mitsukuri's part. It kind of feels like a hit and miss in some areas; I'll include all of Hadal Zone here too. I liked the chemistry they were representing with these two and it was very fun to watch. I am sad they deviated from the manga on how they ended up working together. I can't be too upset about the big fanmeet event vs a small event, probably because they mushed it together based on bugetary concerns [i.e, getting a big stage vs a small venue]. I think they could've done better with Ginga not being satisfied in COSMIC in some instances, but it does seem like they were aiming to further develop that if it gets greenlit for another season. I am sad that Kikyo had such a small involvement, especially because of how important she is in the manga right now. I can't say I'm missing Ringo though, even though they teased her at the end. As a character in the manga, I can't stand her and I don't know if she'd be more tolerable in a drama format. I think the thing I'm missing most is based on the script, and thats just that reading a manga slowly lets things fester more emotionally, and when you condense it, you loose the feelings of certain small stresses piling up on a character. Ginga felt less desperate than he does in the manga, and I think that's where I'm feeling a loss. I'd say it was probably a 6.5 to their arc.
This isn't tied to a specific arc, but I think it's worth mentioning when they did some segments of COSMIC videos, that was a big highlight to the show. It was edited really in a fun way and realistic to YouTube and such. It's a very small thing, but I think it was a big strength of being able to adapt it vs the manga, and just by medium alone, was more effective and fun.
In a small conclusion, do I think it was stunning? No. Do I think it was bad? No. I definitely wouldn't have read the manga if I watched the drama first. I think the pacing was way off, but if it was written better and less squeezed in, it would've been a lot better. I hope if there is a second season, they pace it a lot better--- but that also feels like a bummer because I wouldn't want slower pacing if they had a good Ringo-- because I just don't like her character even as a "I love how much I hate her". I am greatful for the talent that came together to put this to live action and I'm thankful to the people subbing it [I personally followed Oshiroen's subs].
However, I also want to say I never want to hear that sad emotional song they kept playing over and over again I hated it so much. The other song was fine, but that one hurt my ears and just added a cheapness to every scene it was in.
9:44pm .. .. // 6.25.2023