
Status: Open

Prices are in USD

Payment is through Paypal or Vgen

Payment is upfront. No refunds ocne the piece is done.

Commission Info

Prices are per character

Standard for commissions involves a transparent BG or very minimal BG

WIPs are provided at every step in the process! Usually it's Sketch-> Lines-> Color. There can be more steps or slightly different ones, but in general I tend to send at least ~2-3 wips.

Revisions are fine within reason. [Please just don't ask me to totally start over a piece when it's done and every WIP-check there was no issue.]

I usually work pretty fast and my turn around times depend on the type of piece. Lower-priced pieces tend to take only a couple days at most; Higher priced pieces can take 1-2 weeks.

If there's something in the past I've had on my commissions thats not currently there that you're interested in, feel free to let me know!

Headshot= ~Shoulders ; Halfbody = ~Waist ; Fullbody = Full figure


I do NOT permit my work, F2U, commissioned or otherwise, to be put into AI or minted into NFTs. Any AI/NFT with my artwork I will demand to be taken down ASAP as I do not want to contribute to anything involving crypto or GenAI.

You are NOT allowed to sell my artwork, including commissioned, without prior permission from me. The only stipulation to this is if you buy art of an OC and later sell the OC-- You may factor in the price of the commission from me at the time of purchasing it [If the price has changed, only use the price you paid for fairness of the buyer]. In addition, if you commission me fanart, I will not use it for merch/f2u. You can get commissioned artwork of mine [as the commissioner] on merch for personal use [i.e. not profiting] only.