18782 is a free RPGMaker game made in VX Ace by me-- Brie! (aka Saturn Games). It's the first full RPGMaker game I've released and was made over the course of multiple years. It has 8 endings, and one playthrough should take you roughly 1h30.

In 18782, you play as an 18-year-old Arakawa; A boy who's life is riddled with anxiety, and his only reprieve is his favorite vocalist, YUKIO. Arakawa wants to make it to an in-store to finally meet Yukio in a week. What happens in the week is up to you.

The game is set on a day-to-day basis; read books and magazines, go outside and get information from others, lurk on forums, watch videos... Just make sure you're feeling well enough to attend the in-store!

On this page, you can find some guides and character information.

NOTE: The guides WILL contain spoilers! I suggest playing the game through once before reading any!