I reapplied my makeup again after crying some tears of blood briefly after writing some good emotional goth poetry for my followers to reblog. The things i do to inspire tru goths to stay true…
Nero said they weren’t gonna club tonight because they were tired and stuff. Whatever i was gonna show the prescence of a tru goth. I went out and went for a more trad goth look with black lipstick that was to die for. I got a message and I thought nero changed their mind.
“H******d, it’s mother. Grandma is coming in tomorrow for the weekend. Thought you should know” UGH its just my prep family!!!!! They dont fucking understand me!!! I come home and they ask, “Where are you living? Why cant you eat? Are you done with goth??” like ugh mom??? Im a vampire????? What the fuck ever??? I DRINK BLOOD MOM GOD!!!!!!!!! ITS NOT A PHASE EITHER!!!! ACTUAL HUMAN BLOOD!!!!!!
This is what she fuxking gets for not bringing me home mcdonalds when she got herself znd dad some like uGH. Didnt even get me 7-up either i hate them!!!!! They dont deserve me!!!
UGH! Anyway what the fuck ever. I was so worked up i pushed 2 preps apart who were hugging. Eugh. PrepDA is the worst (an: thats prep pda for u tru goths who dont experience it so often). I got to the club and nero wasnt there which sucked. I sat in a corner a bit annoyed. I noticed some people from looserians group and went up to them.
“UGH dont you preps have something better to do?” I roared. I waznt in the mood.
“Last time i checked we werent the ones dressed in neon.” one laughed, turning away.
“GOD SHOWS HOW MUCH OF A POSER YOU ARE NOT EVEN RECOGNIZING ME!!! It’s cybergoth, bithx!!!!!!!!” I shrieked
They didnt seem topased so pushed the 1 talking back to ,e. They got agressive and we started a fight but a bouncer got me before i could do serious damage. We both ended up getting kicked out but tje poser and their friends walked away before i could attack. At least i got awful posers out!!!
I walked the back way home because I wanted to brood snd be mysterious. On my way I found a prep, alone. I crept up on them and attacked for their blood!!! I walked home, a bit nasty from the bloodshed of the impure. I couldnt get my basement window open but i wnet into the front entrance of the apartment building instead. I wasnt noticed.I took a shower and wrote some more dark and emotional poetry to reflect my current state.
“blood...is all i see….incantations from the shadows...blood…..”