Nero finally agreed 2 go out w me again!!!! Good theyre not a looser like i thoughtnthey were. I made sure 2 put on my cool ass goggles my favorite ones, the ones with x’s on the lends. I waited outsidd where I had to wave off stupid fucking preps who were loitering outside (an: found out they “”rented””” a “”apartment”””” jwta the fucke ver!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They dont deserve to share my fucking space).
I waited until nero came into sight and they looked fuxking ho5 like ian curtis except like a clown version and in some flowing gogh dress wnd shit. Ok nothing fucking liek iam curtis but thATS NOT THE POINT!!!!!!!!!!
They walked up n ssid “were ready to leave: and i took their hand and we went. Some tuckign prep posr was fuckign laughing at us so i fucking foguht them and then nero n i made out cajse thate what you do after showing a preo whos top goth!!!! SPOILER!! ITS ME!!!
So we went to the club and nero is like “” im gonna dance”” which ok yrah so they fuCKING LEAVE ME!!!!!!
Because i got distracted and i dont know where they are ,ike fucking who thenfuck afd u. Anyway i felt like i was fjxking being watched which was vreepy as fuck like just fucking come out and say ur my admirer and fucking make ur move!!!! Im not tied down and shit. Unless ur a stupid fucking prep then go the fuck away.
Anyway while nero was out doing their own shit i decided to rid this club of FAKERS!!! I went up to some ppl i knew lycien the fake fucking goths knew and i told them “excuse me fjxking poser preps get out of this space!!! Ur not allowed here!!!”
They didnt listen to i decided to take their wallet and throw it on theground and run. In my running i hit back into nero who accepted me with open arms like omg what a pal.
“why are you running” they asked in their hot, sort of like one of thise romance novel books u get but imagine like its fucking morrisey or something instead of some stupif fucking ugly prep, monotone tone voice.
“what the fuck does it look like!!!” i shouted at them.
“looks like your fucking running” they said in that same depressed but im flirting with you tone.
“YEAH!! Cause i cant fuxkin stsnd the preps here uGH THIS IS A PREP ZONE NERO!!!” I said as loud as i could. I took their hand and marched out with my boots clancking like a real fu king gith cause thEYRE MADEOF METAL UNLIKE THISE FUCKING POSERMORPES WHO FUCKING WEAR SHITTY BOOTS FORM HOT TOPIC LIKE THENPOSERS THEY ARE!!!!!!!!
Anyway we walked for a while and i stared at their legs like least theyre a tru goth and only grt fuxking tired of living life but not so tired of it cause theyre still here but tired enoughto write hardcore hesrtfelt poetry and doesnt get tired of fucking walking. I lead them to a cemetary wher ei fucking sakd id take them because i am TRUE TO MY WORD AND AM HARDCORE!!!!
I still felt inwas being stalked but i went and pulled them in and made ojt w them by the cemetary agets n stuck my middle finger up at a prepy looking bird who made eyes at us.
Nero didnt seem to mind cause theyre hardcore too cause i only hang around real fuxking goths or those whonwant to get better but i onky fucking makeout with real goths. Anyway i brought them over by one of the more secluded areas n sat them down on a gravestone.
“this is my fucking parent sgrave” i said to them.
“”oh im sorry to hear theyre gone” they said back, examining the grave, in a mournful voice. They looked like they were gonna cry or some shit which was totally fucking hot.
“yeah they were real goths like super fucking goths the gothiest goths uve ever seen like. If robert smith snd peter murphy and eva o and morrisey and ian curtis and siouxsie sioux and dracula were combinrd all into 1 person but then split into 2 people” i recalled.
“im sorry for your loss” they said, gently putting their hand on me it wss hot.
We started making out and shit on the randos grave until...i heard a fuxking crinkle in the leaves and looked up to see what poser prep encroached on us!!!!